Sunday, February 24, 2019

Monday Memos Week 5 Term 1 2019

Another amazing week has been completed in the Senior Unit with a terrific assembly to begin the week and a tremendous family night to close! 
Thanks to the ever ready students for their flexibility to deliver a timely message of encouragement to all in attendance about the uniqueness of each person. Hooray For Kids! The family night saw some good aims soak Mr Semmler, with perhaps the most memorable seeing one student score three out of three hits - one left, one middle and one right!

Together with Mr Wundersitz and Mrs Kreymborg, we are seeking volunteers for Gardening on Tuesdays and Kitchen on Wednesdays to assist on a weekly basis. If you can assist please contact your child's teacher. Thankyou.

We are expecting the return of Canberra Committment forms by Friday of this week please.

Whole school reminders/updates:

iGOSH Staff
  • We are seeking 'qualified staff' to work in our newly established iGOSH - suitable candidates need to be teacher trained or have a Cert 5 in Child Care or be a student teacher in their second (or subsequent) year. (There are a  range of other degrees/diplomas as well that qualify.)  If you are interested, please contact our school.

Hot Weather
Due to the forecast temperature in the high 30’s this week please remember / note : 
  • Apply sunscreen to your child at the start of the school day.  We have the Coles brand available in the classrooms for reapplication during the day. 
  • Add an ice brick to your child’s lunch box.  Lunch boxes will be kept in the classroom. 
  • At recess and lunchtime students are kept busy with things to do in their classrooms (which are air conditioned)
  • After School Cricket for Yr 1&2’s will be cancelled this week – so it starts next Thursday 7 March
  • Carers Group After School Gathering for F/1’s will be cancelled this Friday and rescheduled to Friday 15 March

Junior Youth
  • For Students in Year 4,5 &6  every Thursday 4.00 to 5.30pm
  • In room 6 (Old OHSC room) with Emma Lange (LSO – Youth Ministry).  This is free and a snack is supplied.  
  • If your child attends iGOSH on Thursdays they can attend Youth instead.  Please email Katrina Ponte your consent. 

iPad Boot Camp – information session for parents/caregivers these sessions are not compulsory but are a chance to know and learn about the curriculum we have developed around preparing our students for using their iPads responsibly.
  • Friday 1st March 9.30-10.30am (after W&P) in the staffroom
  • For Parents / Caregivers of students in years 4-6 using the 1:1 iPad program
  • It’s our goal this year to hold a number of ‘curriculum information’ sessions throughout the year. We’d love to hear your thoughts on topics/times.

P&F Upcoming Events
  • Shrove Tuesday 5 March  
Parents / Students please come and join us for pancakes from 8am - 9am  (Outside between admin & Year 6 building)
  • Cheese and Wine NightFriday 15 March 7.30pm-10.30pm – adults only
Further details will be out this week. 

Uniform Shop Open Hours
  • Mondays at 8.30-9.15am and Fridays at 3.00 to 3.45pm
Second Hand uniform shop open hours
  • Tuesdays 8.30-9.15am and Wednesdays 3.00 to 3.30pm  
  • If you have spare coat hangers / skirt hangers please donate

  • This week’s bookings are now closed – any extra bookings, changes or cancellations need to be emailed ( / phoned / text (0447 661 555)
  • Hats - All children need to have their hat when playing outside.  No hat no play outside.
  • We are still waiting for our CCS approval, therefore we cannot generate invoices.  However you can start making payments through the school office.

Worship & Praise
  • Worship & Praise Friday 1 March 9am with Yr 4 Mr Jones. 
Parents (& friends) are welcome to stay for Worship and enjoy a coffee / tea afterwards.

Family Night Thanks to everyone who could come last Friday night – it was a great evening. 

Performance Appraisal for Professional Development:  A Process for Principals of Lutheran Schools. 
  • Appraisal is an important part of quality management as it allows strengths to be affirmed and areas of concern to be addressed. All Lutheran school principals undertake such reviews every three years and in the coming weeks we will be going through the process for our Principal, Daryl Trigg.
  • The survey will be administered by the Lutheran Education SA/NT/WA.  The survey will be an on-line survey in which all families can participate, forwarded by email, and the results will be anonymous.  Your support of this process will be greatly appreciated and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to raise them.
Brenton Lange  (Chair of Council)

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Monday Memos Week 4 Term 1

Wowsers, a big few days in the Senior Unit. The great but energy sapping, fitness challenging excursion went well on Friday and today we presented an assembly to the school. The students presented well and have set a polished benchmark for others year levels to follow.

Stay tuned for a note to appear this week. It will have the cost, a permission slip, a rough guide of where we will visit and a parent form to fill out if you are interested in coming along. Unfortunately, filling in the form does not guarantee a place on the bus. While we would love to have you all there, we can't provide that experience.
Big thank yous!
Mandy and Phoebe you are superstars for coming along on our excursion and making it possible to do what we had planned. Thank you for your time, patience and flexibility.

Whole school reminders/updates:

Family Night – this Friday 22 February 4.00pm to 6.30pm at Immanuel School
  • Last chance to RSVP and return your food order form by tomorrow Tuesday 19 February
  • click here for a the food order form and other details.   
  • We have over 200 attending so will be a fun night for kids, parents, families, friends. 

  • This week’s bookings are now closed – any extra bookings, changes or cancellations need to be emailed ( / phoned / text (0447 661 555)
  • Hats - All children need to have their hat when playing outside.  It can be their school hat or another casual style hat (must be wide brimmed) which can be left in their bag for iGOSH.
    From week 5 (Monday 25 Feb) it will be no hat no play outside.
  • Homework – Children are given an opportunity to do their homework in iGOSH each night. 
You can email Katrina to advise her that you want your child to have the opportunity to do their homework.
  • Access - into iGOSH room is at the front of the building on Lyndoch Rd side. Please don’t enter through the other  entrance door, as this will be now be locked between 4-6pm
  • Family Night Friday 22 Feb – iGOSH is available.  iGOSH students can participate in Family Night – please respond to the email that Katrina will send you. 
  • April Vacation Care – the 2 week program will be out in week 6 and you can then book via the online system.

iPad Boot Camp – information session for parents/caregivers
  • Friday 22 February 9.30-10.30am (after W&P)
  • Repeated Friday 1 March 9.30-10.30am (after W&P)
  • In the Staffroom
  • For Parents / Caregivers of students in years 4-6 using the 1:1 iPad program

Subway Lunch – orders due Wednesday for lunch on Friday.  Please try to have the correct money and remember to name it clearly.    Orders must be in no later than 3.30pm on Wednesday afternoons. 

Worship & Praise
  • Worship & Praise Friday 22 February 9am with Mr Wundersitz
  • Parents (& friends) are welcome to stay for Worship and enjoy a coffee / tea afterwards.

Interschool Gymkhana
  • This annual event will be held on Friday 8 March 2019 at Trinity College Gawler. 
  • We invite any of our equestrian students to participate.  Please let the front office or Mrs Ellie Parish know ASAP.

2019 Balaklava Eisteddfod
  • This will be held on 2nd, 3rd & 4th August 2019 
  • Immanuel Gawler musical students are invited to participate.  If you have an interest please let your class teacher or Mr Hueppauff know soon.    Please click here for more info. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Monday Memos Week 3 Term 1

Week three already and we are planning an excursion for this Friday

We would love to have help on this excursion as we strut through the streets of Gawler exploring our town and experiencing what it has to offer. Please look out for the permission note tomorrow. If you can assist us with our excursion, please let us know ASAP. If you need Volunteer Training, please see the information below.

Is on this Monday and we are on. It kicks off at 2:40pm in Taikondi.

Personal Student Profile (Christian Studies)
Each student has a time in the next few weeks to present 4-5 objects that tell us who they are. 

Thank you to the super stars from Mrs Eckermann's class who helped deliver Worship last week. Great to see so many volunteers. 

Whole school reminders/updates:

New look WEBSITE 
Mobile friendly – news and events added regularly.

 Lego Day – Tuesday, 12 February
Tuesday, 12 February is Lego Day in Taikondi.  Get involved by:
  • Bringing in a model (coin donation to exhibit)
  • Entering the Minifig Design Competition (50 cents entry fee).
Please see Friday’s Lego Day note for more information.

Daily 7.00am to 8.30am and 3.25 to 6.00pm and school holiday care
Location – Immanuel Senior Unit Kitchen (enter / exit school via Lyndoch Rd or Daly Street Carpark)
Contact Katrina Ponte on / 8522 5740 Option 3 on the phone system or 0422 577 577
Click here for an Enrolment application form 
More info via our website

iGOSH would love to have any games, toys, board games that families may be getting rid of ... happy for what families would like to donate.

Online Bookings for this week have closed.
Please do not add or delete any bookings for this week online
All changes for this week need to be made through

Class Handbooks
If you missed the Parent Information meetings on Wednesday evening in Week 1 we have uploaded the presentation, class handbooks and parent handbook onto the website at

Subway Lunch orders – due Wednesday for lunch on Friday.  It is helpful if you can have the correct money and remember to name it clearly.
Orders must be in no later than 3.30pm on Wednesday afternoons. 

Volunteer Training for Parents
Wednesday 13 February 2.30pm or 6.30pm - in the staffroom with Daryl Trigg
To volunteer in a school one needs to have completed ‘Valuing Safe Communities’ training and have a current police check.    Both of these need updating every 3 years.
Therefore it is possible that  many of our parents will need to redo this training as it may be 3 years ago (in 2016) when you last attended a session.

Police Checks – complete the application form via SAPOL website noting Volunteering in school is your reason. 
Take to police station for stamping, tick the VOAN box number and return to Immanuel and we will sign and forward off for processing and there will be no charge to you.

When volunteering at school, please remember to sign in at the front office and collect your name badge to wear.

Family Night – Friday 22 February 4.00pm to 6.30pm (please have your food order forms back to the Office by Friday, 15 February)
Fun for kids, parents, families, friends.  Food, drinks, games
Pink order form went home last Tuesday, or click here for a copy.  

Scholastic Book Club
Orders due back Friday 15 February.

Worship & Praise
  • Worship & Praise will be held in the Taikondi area at 9.00am on Friday morning, 15 February 2019 with Mr Tiller.  Parents (& friends) are welcome to stay for Worship and enjoy a coffee / tea afterwards.

Pedestrian Safety
  • Teachers & students have had discussions on safety when entering / exiting the school.  Please exercise patience, use common sense and follow the safest routes when crossing roads and moving within the carparks.  Wherever possible students should be with their parents/caregivers when in the carparks, and they should avoid walking behind vehicles wherever possible.

After School Cricket
  • Will be available for Yr 1&2 students on a Thursday night on the oval, during Weeks 5-9.  Stay tuned for the online booking system.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday Memos Week 2 Term 1

Welcome to Week 2. Last week flew by and we are all grateful for air conditioning in the Senior Unit. As we continue to set ourselves up for the year, we are also beginning to get stuck into some gritty class discussions. 

We would also like to encourage you to sign up to our Senior Unit blog so that you can get all the blog updates as they happen as well as an easy quick reference point to look back at if you need anything. Simply, type your email in on the blog where it says 'Follow By Email' press enter and follow the instructions. 

Lessons to be learnt from the humble donkey.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) Program
If you have an interest in working with children, gardening and cooking, then volunteering in the SAKG program is for you!  Gardening lessons are on Tuesday morning and kitchen lessons are on a Wednesday.  For more information please contact Simon Wundersitz ( or Kayla Kreymborg ( Or contact Angie ( or Jared ( directly to book yourself straight in to help out. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Sport Uniform is to be worn on Monday, Tuesday and Friday
Formal Uniform is to be worn on Wednesday and Thursday

As a baseline for homework in these first few weeks, we would love to see students do the following:
Reading for 10 or so minutes
Spelling (students are given a word list to learn each week based on a theme. It is beneficial for students to complete the spelling work started on Mondays at home throughout the week in preparation for Fridays Test.
Obviously, any discussion at home about what we are learning or doing or any further inquiry that students engage themselves in would be of great benefit to their learning journey.

iPads and IT
Stay tuned to hear more soon about how this will look in our Senior Unit classes and how the Immanuel It boot camp will go with our students. 

Whole school reminders/updates:
Here we are, Week 2 already, hoping you all had a restful weekend after the excitement of starting the new school year!
Carers Group Meeting
  • There will be a Carers Group Information Meeting on Wednesday, 6 February 2019 at 9.15am in Room 6 (the old OHSC Room).  Any parents interested in being a part of our lovely Carers Group for 2019 would be very welcome to attend.  A flyer was forwarded home last week which provided a bit more information on this upcoming Meeting.  Pleaseclick here for a copy of the flyer.
P&F Meeting & AGM Meeting
  • Our first P&F meeting & AGM for 2019 will be held on Thursday, 7 February 2019 at 7.00pm in our Staff Room.  All parents (& friends) are invited to come along.  A flyer was forwarded home last week which provided a bit more information on this upcoming Meeting.  Please click here for a copy of the flyer.
  • A reminder that students should not be arriving at school before 8.30am unless they are going to iGOSH.
Worship & Praise
  • Worship & Praise will be held in the Taikondi area at 9.00am on Friday morning, 8 February 2019 with Mrs Eckermann.  Parents (& friends) are welcome to stay for Worship and enjoy a coffee / tea afterwards.
Volunteer Training
  • Will be offered on Wednesday, 13 February in the Staff Room at 2.30pm and then again at 6.30pm. Please call the front office to register.