Sunday, May 26, 2019

Week 5 Term 2

Ninna marni, (The Kaurna people's greeting for 'Hello. How are you?')

Gardening this week is on Thursday morning Eckermann -9am,  Semmler -10am.

Guest speaker, Gary Passmore, highlighting Reconciliation Week, is speaking to us about Connecting to the Country this Friday morning.  This is in relation to the current unit we are studying in Christian studies - People's need of spirituality and how Australians seek to fulfill it. We have been encouraged by the enthusiasm of the students who have asked adults the questions they compiled during class last Tuesday and look forward to some interesting discussions.

Recently we have spoken to students about the poor language choices that some are making in the class and yard. 

Australian Lutheran World Service will present on the theme What if? on Monday June 3rd. As part of this, recess and lunch will be catered for, in the spirit of the day.

Our Restaurant experience as planned and prepared by the students is happening in Week 9.
 (Mrs Eckermann’s class 26th June and Mr Semmler’s class the 27th June)

Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understandings is our latest Unit of Inquiry. Ask about some recent experiments that have taken place.

Nakkota, Angie

Whole school reminders/updates:
Welcome Miss Kayla Sunman – Year 2 teacher
·         Kayla has started today replacing Pam Tilbrook who has now started her maternity leave

School Uniforms
  • Winter Uniform is to be worn for Term 2 and 3.   This refers to the formal uniform which is grey trousers and long sleeve shirt for boys and the pinafore (or skirt) with white blouse for girls  (with / without the green jumper).  Sports uniform consists of shorts or trackpants with T-shirt and rugby tops
  • Please label sports rugby jumpers and green jumpers with your child’s name.   We have so many in the lost property box in the office with no name. If labelled correctly we can return misplaced items easily 
  • If you purchase a second hand item please ensure you cross out the old name and write your child’s name on it
  • Please remind your child the importance of putting their school jumper and hat straight into their school bag when they are taken off so they will not get lost
Sick kids – there seems to be some tummy bugs, sore throats and colds about
  • If your child shows symptoms of being unwell we ask that you keep your child at home in order to prevent further spreading of infection
  • If your child presents unwell at school we will phone parents and advise and may ask you to collect
  • We are encouraging children to wash hands before eating and to use hand sanitiser when returning from the playground
Absent or running late?
  • If your child is absent it is helpful for the school to know why (eg sick or family reasons).  Please ring the school office by 9.30am or email your teacher
  • The school day starts at 8.50am, if your arrive after this time your child needs to be signed in as late in the office  
This week
Scholastic Book Fair
  • In Immanuel’s Library this week Tues 28 May to Fri 31 May
  • Parents and students can come and browse and purchase a book
  • Opening Hours are
Tuesday 28 May            8.00 - 9.00am
Wednesday 29 May       8.00 - 9.00am & 3.30 - 5.00pm
Thursday 30 May           8.00 - 9.00am
Friday 31 May                8.00 - 9.00am & 3.30 - 4.30pm

Open Morning Tuesday 28 May 9.30am
  • This is for any new / interested families looking at schools in Gawler.  If you know anyone with an interest in enrolling their child for 2020 or beyond please let them know. 
  • If you have a sibling due to commence in 2020 or 2021 please ensure you have filled in an enrolment application form so we have their name on our data base. 
Pancake Brekky Wednesday 29 May from 7.45am
  • Parents and students can come and have a pancake on us
  • Thanks to Emma and volunteers from the Gawler Lutheran Church

Reconciliation Week 27 May to 3 June
  • The theme this year is "grounded in truth - walk together in courage"
  • The Gawler Reconciliation Action Group Community Fun Day will be held in Apex Park, Julian Terrace, Gawler on Wednesday 29 May from 10am
  • Some of Immanuel's students will be walking to Apex Park and participating on the day with the fun activities including Damper Making, Story Telling, Wodli Nature Play and Aboriginal Painting
School Disco Friday 31 May
·         6pm to 7.15pm Junior Primary Yr F, 1, 2 & 3
·         7.30pm to 8.45pm Upper Primary Yr 4, 5 & 6
·         $3 / ticket – please RSVP by Weds 29 May by returning the attached form
Worship and Praise
  • Friday 31 May 9am with Mr Hueppauff  

Zion Preschool 40th Birthday Celebrations
  • Past families are welcome to attend the special service on Sunday 2 June at 10.45am at Zion Church, followed by a shared lunch and open kindy 

Cabaret  Friday 14 June 7.00pm till 9.30pm – Save the Date!
  • More details going home this week

Monday, May 20, 2019

Week 4 Term 2

This Friday, some of Mr Semmler’s Squirrels will be running worship. If your child volunteers for this, you may wish to come along and support. 

Speaking of key dates, the Wednesday and Thursday evenings of Week 9 this term will be Restaurant nights. Please keep the date free so you can enjoy the Restaurant experience as planned and prepared by the students. (Mrs Eckermann’s class 26th June and Mr Semmler’s class the 27th June)
Stay tuned for more details.

Whole school reminders/updates:

Absent or running late?
  • If your child is absent it is helpful for the school to know why (eg sick or family reasons).  Please ring the school office by 9.30am or email your teacher. 
  • The school day starts at 8.50am, if your arrive after this time your child needs to be signed in as late in the office.  

This week
National Simultaneous Storytime Wednesday 23 May
  • Immanuel Students will be participating in this national event at 10.40am   
  • Alpacas with Maracas is the book for 2019.   Read more by clicking here 

Worship and Praise

Next Week
Scholastic Book Fair
  • Coming to Immanuel’s Library next week from Tues 28 May to Fri 31 May
  • Parents and students can come and browse and purchase a book
  • Click here to find the opening times 

  • Emma Lange and volunteers from Gawler Lutheran Church will be cooking up pancakes for brekkie for all students and parents   (all welcome, no cost)  

School Disco Friday 31 May
·         6pm to 7.15pm Junior Primary Yr F, 1, 2 & 3
·         7.30pm to 8.45pm Upper Primary Yr 4, 5 & 6
·         $3 / ticket - return the attached form     

Zion Preschool 40th Birthday Celebrations

Cabaret  Friday 14 June 7.30pm till late – Save the Date!

New Information On Volunteer Checks
  • As from 1 July 2019 there will be stronger, nationally consistent screening laws for people wanting to work or volunteer with children in South Australia.  The new laws require people working or volunteering with children to have a valid working with children check (WWCC).     More info can be found at
  • Our school is registered to initiate this check.  To apply you will need to provide your full name, date of birth and an email address to Jenny (authorised person) in the office, and a government form will be emailed to you to complete and submit.  There is no cost to apply as a volunteer in a school.
  • If you have a current police clearance this will still be valid for a 3 year period, following this you will need to provide a WWCC check.   

Woolworths Earn & Learn is back!
For every $10 you spend in Woolworths you’ll get an Earn and Learn Stickers. 
Bring these into Immanuel School Gawler and we can earn free equipment

Entertainment Book 2019/2020 $70
Books can be purchased via the school office, or ordered as a digital membership

P&F giant WHEELBARROW Raffle
Tickets on sale now via the office  $2 each or 3 for $5 
Win a wheelbarrow full of goodies including an Apple Watch
To be drawn in Term 4. 


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week 3 Term 2

Welcome to another week. There is a lot going on, so thankfully Year 6  is not in NAPLAN mode.

Gardening and Kitchen: There will not be kitchen this week due to NAPLAN commitments for Mrs Kreymborg but restaurant related learning will continue in the classroom. Be prepared for more news on our Senior Unit Restaurant during Week 9. Garden times are a little different also over the next few weeks due to Mr Wundersitz well earned long service leave.

Students this week will be working hard on creating adverts for their restaurants as well as completing the Advertising Inquiry Unit

Today we also begun looking into the setup of our school parliament. This year, there are a few changes as our focus has changed a little in the way parliament will run. Students will learn and understand more over the next few weeks as our plans evolve with student input.

Whole school reminders/updates:

Naplan Assessments  (for Yr 3 & 5) this week

Volunteers Training Session (VSC) Wednesday 15 May
2.30pm or 6.30pm in the staffroom with Daryl
  • If you attended this training in 2016, your certificate has now expired so you will need to attend the training again this year.
  • As from 1 July 2019 South Australia’s new laws require people working or volunteering with children to have a valid working with children check (WWCC), replacing the current system where people can have either a national police check assessment or a DHS screening.   
    Our school is registered to initiate this check for our parent volunteers.  To apply you will need to provide your full name, date of birth and an email address to Jenny (authorised person) in the office. 
  • There is no cost to apply as a volunteer in a school.
  • If you have a current police clearance this will still be valid for a 3 year period, following this you will need to provide a WWCC check. 

National Walk to School Day this Friday 17 May  
  • Students (and their parent) can choose to walk to school from their home or park the car in Gawler and walk the extra distance to school. 
  • We are not hosting our ‘regular walk to school event’ this year but families can still participate on the day themselves. 
  • Walk to School day raises awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term well-being of our children

PYP Parent Information Session
  • Today we held a info session for parents to attend and find out how this program underpins our learning at Immanuel.  If you couldn’t make the session but want to know more, please contact Andrew Boesch our learning coordinator

After School Footy Clinic for F, 1 & 2 students

Worship and Praise
Friday 17 May 9am with Pastor Geoff from Gawler Lutheran Church
Friday 24 May 9am with Mr Semmler

Monday 20 May 2.45pm presented by the Year 5 students

Woolworths Earn & Learn is back!
For every $10 you spend in Woolworths you’ll get an Earn and Learn Stickers. 
Bring these into Immanuel School Gawler and we can earn free equipment

Entertainment Book 2019/2020 $70
Books can be purchased via the school office, or ordered as a digital membership

P&F giant WHEELBARROW Raffle
Tickets on sale now via the office  $2 each or 3 for $5 
Win a wheelbarrow full of goodies including an Apple Watch
To be drawn in Term 4. 


MUSIC  with Mr Hueppauff
This term our Foundation to year 3 students are learning the recorder.   For those students (or adults) who enjoy learning an instrument, and would like to keep practicing the recorder, I have a great APP which you can use.
  • The program helps with note pitch learning and overall skills in reading music.  It is very interactive, and takes the student through how to play notes, note values, and reading music. All aspects which we use in our general music lessons
  • The year 2’s & 3’s currently use this, however I haven’t introduced it to the Foundation & year 1’s.
  • The program is call Blackbelt Recorder and the App is call Song Torch.  (Apple iPads only!).  The app is free, and the school has paid for the licences!
  • Once downloaded, you will need to log in:
White Belt (Foundation/ Year 1) will need to use this information
Yellow Belt (Year 2/ 3) will need to use this information
Here is a picture of the login page
  • Once logged in, the book you will need to click on is:
    • BBR White Mobile (No book needed) (IOS only) (for Foundation/ year1)
    • BB R Yellow Mobile (No book needed) (IOS only) (for year 2/ year3)
  • Then follow the instructions of Recorder Man and Enjoy!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week 2 Term 2

It’s great to be back. Hopefully your child has arrived home either wearing or carrying their graduate printed sport shirt for 2019. They look good.

Now its time to get the nose back to the grindstone and pump out some quality learning, to help with this, please encourage your child to get amongst it and engage into their learning opportunities.

Homework - Remember we want to see people cracking a thousand points per week in Mathletics. We also encourage reading every night and students are responsible for completing their spelling each week.

A special shout out to all the mothers out there. Happy Mother’s Day!

Whole school reminders/updates:

This week T2 W2
SAPSASA Athletics Day @ Trinity “all the best for team Immanuel” 
Year 5s on Aquatics Camp
Return time is 5.30pm Thurs
No Junior Youth  this week
P&F Meeting @ 7pm in the staffroom – any parents interested in helping our P&F group are welcome – next P&F event is the Disco on 31/5
Mother’s Day stall – students can buy mum / grandma / special person a gift (prices range from $1 to $5)
Worship & Praise @ 9am with Yr 2 Mrs Tilbrook 
  • Special Mother’s Day Theme
  • Don’t forget to email a photo of “your child with mum or grandma” to so it can be added to the W&P presentation  
  • All Parents & Friends welcome to come and enjoy the W&P presentation  
Happy Mother’s Day 
Next Week T2 W3
Tue, Weds & Thurs
Naplan (Yr 3 & 5)
Tuesday 14 May 9am Language Conventions test & 11.40am Writing test
Wednesday 15 May 9am Reading test
Thursday 16 May 9am Numeracy test
Friday 17 May Catch up day
  • Please ensure your child arrives to school on time this week.
  • If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact Andrew Boesch, Coordinator of Learning ( or go
2.30pm Parent Information Session:  PYP (Primary Years Program) of the IB (International Baccalaureate).
  • This program underpins our learning at Immanuel Gawler, come and find out what it means
  • If you can’t make the session but want to know more, please contact Andrew Boesch our learning coordinator
Volunteers Training Session (VSC) 
2.30pm or 6.30pm in the staffroom with Daryl
  • If you attended this training in 2016, your certificate has now expired so you will need to attend the training again this year.  
  • As from 1 July 2019 South Australia’s new laws require people working or volunteering with children to have a valid working with children check (WWCC), replacing the current system where people can have either a national police check assessment or a DHS screening.   
    Our school is registered to initiate this check for our parent volunteers.  To apply you will need to provide your full name, date of birth and an email address to Jenny (authorised person) in the office.  
    There is no cost to apply as a volunteer in a school.
    If you have a current police clearance this will still be valid for a 3 year period, following this you will need to provide a WWCC check. 
Staff News
  • At the end of term 2 week 4 Mrs Pam Tilbrook (Miss Treasure) commences maternity leave.  She will be replaced by Miss Kayla Sunman. 
  • At the end of term 2 Mrs Ellie Parish commences maternity leave too.  She will be replaced by Miss Sarah Todd. 
Both Kayla and Sarah will be taking classes tomorrow whilst Pam and Ellie both are away. 

Woolworths Earn & Learn is back!
For every $10 you spend in Woolworths you’ll get an Earn and Learn Stickers. 
Bring these into Immanuel School Gawler and we can earn free equipment

Entertainment Book 2019/2020 $70
Books can be purchased via the school office, or ordered as a digital membership

P&F giant WHEELBARROW Raffle
Tickets on sale now via the office  $2 each or 3 for $5 
1st Prize is an Apple Watch, 2nd Prize is a wheelbarrow full of goodies
To be drawn in Term 4.