We have made it. Congratulations to all the graduates and their parents.
Just a couple things to wrap up...
Bikes - a few are left behind, please pick up as soon as possible.
Library Books - we need them back... please.
We hope to see you all on Wednesday afternoon and on Thursday evening to send off the students.
Whole school reminders/updates:
2020 class groupings
· Today we held “Move Up” day which gave students the opportunity to meet their 2020 teacher, and spend time in their new classroom and group.
· Semester 2 reports were sent home last Thursday.
2020 class teachers
Foundation - Mr Blasche, Miss Pfeiffer, Mrs Jones & Mrs Manning
Year 1 - Mr McLoughlin, Mrs Roberts
Year 2 - Mr Lord, Miss Sunman
Year 3 - Miss Lownds, Mrs McDonald & Mrs Rollings
Year 4 - Mrs Altus, Mr Jones
Year 5 - Mrs Kreymborg, Mr Tiller
Year 6 - Mrs Eckerman, Mr Semmler
We farewell Mr Davies, Mr Newton and Miss Todd
Last day of School is Wed 11 Dec 2019
- At 2pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi. This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise, plus the year 6 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.
- All students will be involved in some way.
- Parents, family and friends are invited to attend too and celebrate the end of year and wish our year 6 students farewell.
- This service also includes the farewell of leaving staff.
- Students are to wear their formal summer school uniform (except for foundation and year 1 students who will wear sports uniform).
- Students will return to their class following the service and then will be dismissed at 3.25pm.
Graduation function for year 6’s and their parents is Thurs 12 Dec starting at 6pm in Taikondi
Casual Day is tomorrow Tues 10 Dec
Students can wear casual clothes (remember to be sun smart and suitable footwear) and bring a gold coin donation. Money raised will go towards BackPacks 4 SA Kids
Guess the lollies competition is in the front office - $1 for 2 guesses and will be drawn Weds 11-12
Donations to fill the back packs for BackPacks 4 SA Kids can be dropped off into the office.
click here to find out what is needed
Thanks Carers Group for organising these events to raise money to support this program.
P&F Giant Wheelbarrow Raffle – will be drawn at the end of Weds 11 Dec
Tickets still for sale via the office.
Library Books
· If you still have library books at home please return them ASAP
2020 Key Dates
Friday 10 January – first payment due for all 2020 fee policy options & office open
Tuesday 28 January 8.50am – First day of Term 1
Wednesday 29 January – Parent Information Evening starting at 6.45pm
The School Office / Uniform Shop will be open in the new year:
- Friday 10 January 9am to 3pm
- Tuesday 21 January 9am to 1pm
- Wednesday 22 January 9am to 1pm
- Thursday 23 January 9am to 1pm
The second hand racks of uniform will also be available to browse through and purchase from.
· The school Holiday 2019/2020 confirmation letters & consent forms were sent home last Friday. Please sign and return by Weds 11/12.
Casual bookings can still be made as needed via contacting Katrina by phone or email. katrinap@ilsg.sa.edu.au or 0447 661 555
Hats are compulsory for all vac care days – if children attend and have no hat they will be given a school hat and charged $10 on their iGOSH account. Hats will remain in iGOSH
· Bookings for 2020 Terms 1-4 can now be made via online.
Bus run for Immanuel 2020
- We will update information on our school website as it comes to hand http://www.ilsg.sa.edu.au/students/immanuel-bus-service.
2020 Term Dates
Term 1 Tuesday 28 January to Thursday 9 April
Term 2: Monday 27 April to Friday 26 June
Term 3: Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September
Term 4: Monday 12 October to Wednesday 9 December